Noyes-whitney, Fick's Law, intraparticulate, interparticulate, true density, bulk density, granule density, total porosity, cube root law, stoke's law, powder, particle, feret's diameter, martin's diameter, projected area diameter, first order kinetics, zero order kinetics, suspension, , half life, shelf life, psuedo kinetics, crystalline, unit cells, polymorphism, sedimentation, caking, emulsion, table die, flow, excipients, magnesium stearate........ etc etc etc
Been studying and studying and studying.....
It never seem to end
I'm scared about tomorrow's paper.
Every time i think about it, i could feel everything churn in me.
It gives me shivers down my spine.
I fear that i won't do well.
My heart pounds harder than a tiger pounds its preys
I'm practically going crazy over pharmacy.
I'm stressed out, and i'm not coping well.
I don't deal well with stress. Who does?
I should be studying instead of blogging now, but i'm experiencing a temporary mental block out.
Have you ever recorded what you feel when all of a sudden your brain seize due to the amount of studying? This is what i felt -
My heart rate increased dramatically
I felt extremely restless
I felt as if i would burst into tears
I felt angry too at the same time
I want to let it out, it has to come out, but what should be released?
I want to continue studying, but something is holding me back, its demanding me not to
All of a sudden it felt as if my blood pressure dropped
Feeling dizzy and having blurred vision
I stop and took a deep breath to clear my mind
Trying to bring myself back
Once succeeded to step back on the plate
The momentum to study has gone
But it has to be built up as quick as possible, there is no time.
buried under notes accompanied by stress
'it's only a matter of time till i self-destruct'