Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Weird? ET?

Weird things has been happening to me, well i'm not sure if you would call it weird...
Remember that awful cough that i mentioned a month or so ago? Guess what? I'm still coughing but i have learned to adapt to it and live on life without noticing it at all.. 'EVOLUTION'? or natural extincts for a human to learn to adapt to things?
A few days ago, i got home around 6pm feeling extremely tired to the max! And i was detremined to sleep at around 7pm, but instead, i procrastinated on SLEEPING till around 1 or 2am! How could i procrastinate on sleeping? Homework, studies or assignments i understand.. BUT SLEEP??? I felt like an idiot...
And this morning i woke up to an extremely numb leg, it felt as if i was experiencing phantom limb minus the pain.. I couldn't feel my leg at all, i wasn't even sure if my feet was touching the ground when i was walking. It took a huge afford to walk up or down the steps.. Did not had much balanced and it felt like my muscles on my numbed leg was deteriorating as it didn't felt like i could stand on it alone.
Anyways, got to go sleep now.
I have a Formative Exam paper to look 'forward' to tomorrow, bright and early in the morning (8AM).
Love hugs and kisses
-peace out-

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