Saturday, May 3, 2008

a star shines

Exam timetable has just recently came out, and i couldn't help myself from stressing and creeping out even more. I always advice my friends so chill or relax when they feel stressed out, but how could i not grab hold of on my own self and calm down? Ironic is all i feel at this very point in life.
Anyways, scrolling down the extremely long timetable and taking down the time and date for the courses i'm taking on a piece of paper, once done, i reflect on what i've written. i've got 8 exams, from th 7th to the 20th of June, it's bloody scary!

PHRM2040 - 07/6 - 8AM
PHRM1010 - 10/6 - 11.15AM
PHRM2010 - 13/6 - 11.15AM
PHARM2030 - 14/6 - 11.15AM
BIOM2009 - 16/6 - 8AM
PHRM1010 - 18/6 - 11.15AM
PHRM2010 - 19/6 - 2.30PM
PHRM2020 - 8AM

8AM exam during winter is the worse time ever! I had a few in the past, and i didn't liked it at all, i couldn't get my head together, it was as if i was experiencing constant brain freeze. Neurons firing like mad as if i had epilepsy, i feel disorientated and loss.
Not a pleasant experience at all.

Anyways, thanks to my brother's friend, Nadia, 'the other side of the grass' seems to be a lot brighter now. She helped me ask a friend of hers if there is a placement spot for me at the pharmacy he is working at, and earlier today he gave her a reply saying that there is! So Nadia broke the good news to me, and i would have to go there tomorrow around 10AM to 4PM to hand in a CV personally in person =D
Despite the cascade of bad luck i had earlier this week, this is the greatest news ever!

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