summer cleaning
Decided to tie up all my 2008 notes to keep my room tidy and 'organized'.
Hopefully i won't need to dig it out again for my upcoming years in pharmacy course.
Done tidying up and now there is a whole stack of papers sitting right next to me.
Mini tower of something.Stacked it all up and measured it.
29cm tall!
It was too heavy for me to weight it... Feeling tired and lazy to go get a scale and weight.The stack compared to a nokia n70
Almost 3 times the height of my n70Another picture from a different angle.
Most of my money is in this stack of paper.
Paper, printer ink, pen ink, electric, man power, internet d/l quota, staples, binders, paper clips, plastic sleeves, blood and sweat.
No wonder i am always broke T.T
Scary or not?
I bet next year's stack would be taller.
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