Happy holidays!!!
Merry Christmas to you all!!! =)
current location ----> sydney +.+
current local time ---> 0037
I learnt something new about myself yesterday when i went to the Sydney's famous Paddy's Market, it's those 'multi-market' where you could find veggies, meats, fruits, clothes and even imitation handbags!!!
Anyways, i didn't fancy too much about the market, it was packed with people and i realise the people here unlike Brisbane are soooooooooo rude!
It's so annoying when other people are always pushing you out of their way -.- without saying 'Excuse me' or 'Sorry'.. It really ticks me off. Why are they such in a hurry to get around?
I also hate it when people pull their trolleys happily and not watching where they pull or push to... and when it's filled with heavy groceries and runs over your toe, it bloody hell HURTS!! Some people realise they ran over people's toe/feet of they accidentally pushed and hit a person, but all they could do is just look and you then look away and happily walk away with their trolleys... =.=' SWEET move....
Despite the 'always in a hurry' people, i'm quite loving the site around Sydney. Took tonnes of cool pictures, but can't post it now, using my aunt's laptop and kinda hard to work around.
Pictures would be posted once i get back to Brissy!! =D
Love hugs and kisses!
Take care, miss you all!
Posted by
5:32 AM
Christmas is the one holiday i really wished i could get what i want, but knowing that uni puts a huge burden on my parents, i dare not utter a word about this awesome guitar.
I fell in love with it upon first sight, i was practically drooling over it, but hell it cost too much. It's said to be $2199, it's more than i could fetch out. That one guitar could feed me for at least 4 months in Australia +.+
=) well dreaming about it ain't a crime right??
Maybe i should try my luck on lottery tickets? If i do strike, the first thing i do is get me an awesomely sexy guitar!! well if i strike big then i'll think about getting it.
For now it's just a dream, and i'm loving it.
Gibson Robot Guitar ^^
Posted by
2:47 AM
I don't understand why do you expect more than i could deliver?
Constantly trying to live up to your expectations, pushing myself beyond my limits.
The stress i bear upon my shoulders are piling even higher by the day. Crashing isn't an option, even if i have crashed you won't know, even if i did crashed and splat hard face first in front of you, you could never sense it. Failing is never an option for you, you think that failures are for the weak. Maybe i am one of the weak ones? But you just do not want to accept it, therefore you push me physically and emotionally not knowing the consequences you pressure upon me. You would never know even if you were granted 1000 years to figure out what's wrong with me and what or even who is causing it. You are ice cold to your bones.
I know my limits, and i know to what extend i could stretch it to. I stretch it in my comfort zone, but for you i'm willing to stretch it beyond what i could handle just to satisfy you. Everything revolves around you only.
You would never understand the meaning behind "Giving your best is what all matters"...
Posted by
4:40 AM
Filled with frustration at first, but a light suddenly appeared in front of me. Slowly it guided me step by step forward. It's not even an option to look back, i charged with full speed like a huge sailing vessel.
It took me a few days to get my thinking gears moving, it refused at first, but i finally got it moving by kicking hard on it.
Was thinking and connecting the dots the whole day, till i got home and sat in front of the computer.
Started by doing some research online, taking down important and useful points and notes that i could use to score big in this assignment. As i proceed further and faster, adrenaline pumps through my blood vessels, i could feel the effect on my heart as it's beats races.
I lose my eyes, silently i listen hard and deep to my heart beat, feeling it's pulse and blood flow throughout my entire body. Excitement floods my inside, a smile involuntaryly appears on my face.
Instantly i could tell, this challenge sprinkles me with everything good =)
Structure 1 - Ribs (my choice)
Structure 2 - Right atrium of the heart
Assignment 1 - To find the relationship between both structures.
Assignment 2 - To find a different relationship between both structures.
Posted by
3:22 AM
I really wished you could support me rather than trying to proof that you would always be better than me all the time. Coming in second once in a while doesn't means that you are weak or you are the world biggest loser, it's just a number. But i can't deny that it's good to have a healthy competition once in a blue moon, but you as a ******* , should know when to stop being so competitive and be supportive. They are times when i wish you would stop bragging, it's those times where i need your support rather then listening to you talk about what a big shot you are. I am proud to know that you are smart and also to know you would be 'big' in the future. The pressure you put upon me is more than i could bear, i am not made of steel, in case you missed it, i'm human. No more than a normal human trying to live life the best i could.
Everyday i constantly have to live under your shadow, trying to compete with you for the lime light, no matter how hard i try, i get drifted deeper into the shadows.
No matter how hard i try and if succeed in being number one, without fail you would give some lame reason why you lost or all your excuses to protect your thick damn pride.
EGO, you are damn full of it. A fuel that you would never run low on.
Why can't you learn to accept that a man can't be number one all the time? Every man falls at least once in their life.
Don't ever ask me why i didn't told you how i felt and how it's affecting me, because you damn sure know that you would never hear me out, but instead you would throw your temper and i would be shredded inside out without mercy.
I have fallen on my knees, begging for mercy, let me go. Let me be as i am. I live without regrets as i know i gave and done my best in everything. But you're a very strong source, you make me not fall, you make me want to work my bloody arse of and try to be as good as you. I wish you would stop, it has done a lot of damage, more than i could handle, and if this continues, there is no guarantee i would have the strength to even fight for my life.
I'm too tired to put up a fight with you, as i'm already in war with my future constantly striving for a brighter one.
Posted by
5:52 AM
How would life be if i wasn't born on the 23rd of March 1988?
What if i died in my mother's womb?
All i ever 'saw' was the inside of a human body, which i think won't be too bad.
The world is a cruel cruel place to live, it gets even worse by the second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century, it would never be like how it used to be, some even irreversible. Racism, poverty, cancer, AIDS, global warming, evil, domination, drugs, etc.
With my presents now in this century, would i make a difference? 'Even a small voice makes a huge difference.' Is that so?? How true could it be? All i see and hear is that when someone 'big' tries to help the world, it is then being heard by the world. It doesn't seems to me that much people care about what a 'nobody' do.
I do donate to people who seek for donations, i give as much as i can, and wish for the best for everyone hoping i could help at least one person, give them hope and a new light to look forward to. But they are people out there who takes advantage, they are no more than mere frauds, how cold could their heart be to ask for donations stating to help the poor, or help monks or children? but in fact the money they collect goes into their own pockets???!!! Bloody useless people, using names of other unprofitable organization to satisfy their own greed. They've got all their limbs intact, why can't they find for jobs like others? Ungrateful people, why bother giving them limbs at the first place? I bet they are tonnes of people out there who would appreciate a working limb. People who blind could even work, why couldn't they??
Mad world this is, greed swallows the good of a person if not controlled properly.
They are even people who acts as a monk and selling 'religious' stuff to citizen, claiming that the profit would help build a temple or help feed a group of monks/kids/homeless.
It makes me feel sick to the stomach.
There's a lot more going on on this world, so much wrongs, more than the good.
Some times i wonder how would life be if i weren't born, would i be an angel? A guardian angel to someone? An angel to protect and guide.
=D it's just all a dream, with all my sins that i've committed (dissecting animals, burning fuel, cutting down trees, etc), i don't think i would ever get the chance to own a pair of wings.
One day i really wish to help change the world or even change a person's life.
To all my beloved friends, if you would all agree, we shall try to establish an organization to help people who really need our help.
With our tiny voices we shall send the world a loud message.
If can lah :P
Posted by
5:51 AM
Saw the game on Saturday, but did not bothered to buy just yet. I wanted to do a little survey around Brisbane to find the best offer i could get on the bundle set (wireless guitar, plus the game disc). The store where i first saw it was selling at a price of $149.99, i thought it was a little bit too pricey, so i waited as i was going to the city on Monday with my mom. Went to the city, checked around, and the cheapest was $129.99, not too bad i guess, could save $20 -.-
My mom said it was okay, and if i really wanted to get it i could, so i was smiling from one end to the other, approached the sales lady and happily asked, "Excuse me, i was just wondering if you guys have any Guitar Hero III for wii?" Well i did tried looking for it at the store, but all they have was for xbox, PS2 and PS3, where GH3 for wii?????? Then after the sales lady tried to look for one for me, she can't find one T.T she went to the back office to ask instead. Then after a couple of minutes she popped back out, "Sorry, we ran OUT OF STOCK" :'( tragedy strikes
She said that she could place an order for me, which would only arrive after a week or so, mom said never mind, we''ll look for it from other stores. After that shop my mom and me were too tired to look around for it. Till today, my bro brought us to Garden City, tried looking for the guitar, but it's either they jacked the price too high or they did not have the game disc or the guitar, SAD sad sad. After Garden City i told my bro to bring me to Indooroopilly's JB hi fi, but they ran out of stock too. My bro said why not try eb games? since it was just next door? I decided to give it a shot, they said they had three pre ordered stock, which they can't sell to me because some one have already booked them. I asked them to help me look for one from other branch. They tried helping me look for one, then a small little miracle happened, the manager of the store came out and said that they had one extra!!! I was jumping up and down :D but it cost $149.99.... but mom said just get it :D hehehehe
addicted to it right now.. my latest craze =)Nice game too play! You should get one too, if you're into guitars :D
Posted by
3:59 AM
My latest timetable for summer course; BIOL2019 (Human Anatomy)
0900-0950 Lecture
1000-1150 Practical
1400-1450 Lecture
1500-1650 Practical
0900-0950 Lecture
1000-1150 Practical
This summer semester sounds pretty relax (i hope), timetable doesn't seem too pack or hectic.
But i'm still wondering how would the work load be? Assignments, homework? extra research? and how intense would the practical be?? I asked my bro how was the practical was and he gave me a piece of advice; "memorize all the names before you go to prac" -.- memorize? omg
all the scientific names, medical terms..... ermm well i guess i've got not much choice. I'll just remember what i can and face prac the best i can.
Summer semester starts on the 27th of November, i'm feeling excited and all pumped up, despite knowing that this course would be mondo locco hard, at least this time i'm 100% positively sure that i would love this course to the MAX! Loving a subject brings more interest, with more interest brings more will to study :D
I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my every vein, throbbing.
Posted by
8:13 PM
I was defeated by the extensive pressure upon me; my body went against my will, my mind was controlling itself. Every single strength i could muster to regain consciousness and full body control was a mere waste. I always underestimate what my mind, body and soul could do to me if left running wild, it's an obvious blood splatter on a piece of white canvas.
And am glad that it was stronger than i was, it took over and help navigate me back on track, pushing myself to such extend was doing more harm then good. No matter how much i study about something i do not understand or have interest in, it won't make me any smarter in that subject, it only adds more weight onto my already huge mountain of stress and pressure from my other subjects. Parasympathetic system rocks!!!! Relax and digest......
That night before my exam, i only read all the notes, then chuck them away... then entered the cyber world!!!! Chatted with didus and hsei di.. really help me relax, and got to update myself with my friends.
Did my best for my exam the following day, and left the examination hall without any regrets.
Loving life!!!
only have this one life to live and love
Posted by
7:20 AM
Giant Puppy
Giant Spider
I love looking at beautiful and unique building structure and i came across this building which captured my heart, it's like love at first sight. I was totally taken back by the beauty, it was beyond orgasmic.
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
Simply marvelous, it's on my must see list before i leave this world, or i won't die satisfied (jk jk, well i still can visit this museum when i'm dead)
The museum's design and construction serve as an object lesson in Gehry's style and method. Like much of Gehry's other work, the structure consists of radically sculpted, organic contours. Sited as it is in a port town, it is intended to resemble a ship. Its brilliantly reflective panels resemble fish scales, echoing the other organic life (and, in particular, fish-like) forms that recur commonly in Gehry's designs, as well as the river Nervión upon which the museum sits. Also in typical Gehry fashion, the building is uniquely a product of the period's technology. Computer-aided design (CATIA) and visualizations were used heavily in the structure's design.
Computer simulations of the building's structure made it feasible to build shapes that architects of earlier eras would have found nearly impossible to construct. Also important is that while the museum is a spectacular monument from the river, on street level it is quite modest and does not overwhelm its traditional surroundings. The museum was opened as part of a revitalization effort for the city of Bilbao and for the Basque Country. Almost immediately after its opening, the Guggenheim Bilbao became a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors from around the globe. It was widely credited with "putting Bilbao on the map" and subsequently inspired other structures of similar design across the globe, such as the Cerritos Millennium Library in Cerritos.
The building was constructed on time and budget, which is rare for architecture of this type. In an interview in Harvard Design Magazine Gehry explained how he did it. First, he ensured that what he calls the "organization of the artist" prevailed during construction, in order to prevent political and business interests from interfering with the design. Second, he made sure he had a detailed and realistic cost estimate before proceeding. Third, he used CATIA and close collaboration with the individual building trades to control costs during construction." (taken from Wikipedia)
Such captivating building =D
Posted by
9:04 PM
China is really standing out, first the great wall, and now the great wheel??
Higher than both the London Eye (73m shorter) and the Singapore Flyer (43m shorter), the Beijing Great Wheel will tower 208 metres (682 ft) when finished in 2009.
The Beijing version will carry 1920 passengers at a time, 40 to each of 48 compartments, able to carry 40 people in a capsul, compared with the Eye, which can carry 25 in each pod (from The Age).
There is a site, http://www.greatwheel.com/.
Price per ticket would be around 100 yuan (if not mistaken), but soon to be finalized.Damn this dam is HUGE
Another structure that would soon be one of the world's greatest; Three Gorges Dam. "The Three Gorges Dam is a Chinese hydoelectric river dam which spans the Yangtze River in Sandouping, Yichang, Hubei, China . The total electric generating capacity of the dam will reach 22,500 MW and claims the title to being the largest hydro-electric power station in the world by capacity when it is completed. Several generators still have to be installed, and the dam is not expected to become fully operational until about 2011. As with many dams, there is a debate over the costs and benefits of the Three Gorges Dam. Although there are economic benefits such as flood control and hydroelectric power, there are also concerns about the future of over 4 million people who will be displaced by the rising waters, in addition to concerns over the loss of many valuable archaeological and cultural sites, as well as the effects on the environment." Text from Wikipedia."This pair of images shows the dam in partial completion in July 2000 and again in May 2006. The Yangtze River flows from upper left toward upper right in the images. In 2000, construction along each riverbank had occurred, but sediment-filled water still flowed freely through a narrow channel near the river’s south bank (bottom left). A smaller passage closer to the north bank of the river, where the water appears calmer, is likely a system of temporary locks that allowed for boat passage. A second dam bypass appears to be under construction about 1 kilometer to the north." source from Earth Observatory .
Posted by
8:36 PM
Dolphin waiting in line to be slaughtered
Sea of blood
Cruel man stabbing the dolphins
"The annual dolphin- hunting season in Japan is drawing protest from activist who say the practice is cruel. Some in Japan say it's culture." (Quoted from the NG site.)
How blind could these Japanese be??!! If this continues due to their 'CULTURE' what left of the already minimal dolphin population would be left??? If the dolphin population dies out, so would their culture. It's a two-way lose, from what i think and believe such cruel act shouldn't be a culture, it should be history, give the future generation a chance to be mesmerized by these beautiful beast. Once it's gone, it's gone, it would never come back to color our sea like how it is bringing out beauty and spreading warmth all over whom witness this little miracle.
Imagine the young ones being separated from their beloved parents, and they would have to bare the agonizing pain of being alone in this cold world full of cruelty.
How would you feel? Being stripped off from your loved ones, being alone without companion at a young age, your heart is cold if your answer is 'I don't feel anything' or 'They are just animals, they do not have feelings.' You're plainly dark and black from inside out, to the deepest floor of your soul.
Posted by
7:58 PM
5 Things in My baG
~ lecture notes
~ Pencil case
~ wallet
~ iPod
~ uni stuff
5 ThingS In My WaLLet
~ cash
~ student card
~ cards (bank cards, discount cards, etc)
~ 10 trip bus ticket
~ 18+ card (card that allows me to go buy booze, enter porn shops, pub, clubs, etc)
5 Fav things in MY RooM
~ bed (and everything on it)
~ guitar
~ books
~ laptop
~ coke collection
5 things that I wiLL dO
~ study, study, study
~ enjoy Christmas and new yrs alone
~ 'enjoy' summer course
~ get wasted
~ movie marathon during summer
5 things i'm doing
~ blogging
~ cursing under my breath
~ getting ready to sleep
~ regretting not studying at this very moment
~ trying to suppress headache
5 Victims
Irene, Teresa, Naz, vandus and.. i dono who gain
Posted by
7:56 AM
Maths lecture
Monday 3pm
Wed 9am
Thurs 3pm
i try my best to go to everyone no matter how blue/lazy/tired/reluctant i feel
On mondays i hv a 2 hour break before my maths lecture starts, i would go home and all for lunch or relax, but i choose not too so i could save up on transportation fee, 90 cents per trip.. times 3 = RM2.70 per trip. So if i go home then come back to uni i would have to spend like RM5.40?!!~~ so i choose to stay in uni... alone while waiting for my next lecture to start.
On tuesdays, i would need to wake up early to make to this lecture, it's hard waking up ard 7.30 in the morning when i only slept for like 3-4 hours? 5-6 hours max (rarely)?? but i still force myself to wake up to go for this 9am lecture.
Thursdays, i've got a maths tut and an hour break after that before my maths lecture starts, after a tut it's not a good idea to go for a lecture after that, u tend to feel a lil jerking in your brain, which tries to tell you that too much maths = pain = permanent head damaged
but i still make sure i attend that maths lecture
Well for maths, we need to go to lectures to get solutions, ppl who don't go miss out on solutions therefore unable to answer the questions, huge disadvantage.
there is 3 other peeps who i know are also taking this course
(trying not to post names up here)
A is a third year student who can't make it to any of the lectures as they are fix because they clash with A's other third yr course lectures.
B can't make it some times due to work and constantly falling sick, and also plain lazy
C can make it to the mon and thurs lecture but wed lecture clashes with another more important lecture, but C doesn't go to any pf the maths lecture; why u ask? LAZINESS
so A, B and C are always borrowing my notes, well i don't mind borrowing to ppl who can't make it to the lectures for a good reason, but borrowing to someone just because he/she is lazy to go for lectures, it really pulls my trigger.
no matter how lazy i feel i still go for all the lectures, and now C is asking to borrow my lecture notes because he/she feels lazy to go for lectures??
LOL i don't think so, hell no
and also, exams are coming and i need my notes to study.. oh yeah since exams are ard the corner that is why C wants to borrow my notes too...
Earlier i did advised C to go for lectures, but all he/she did was laugh and said that maths isn't hard and he/she was lazy to go....
Anyways, the notes is so not leaving my hand anymore, i too need to study
Posted by
7:36 AM
hmm m not too sure wat's this..
hahaha condom based on animes.. haha very creative eh??
ooo another funny design condom, well i guess to promote sex gua?
swan lake on bed!
issit both of them share one condom??
one for the lonely the other fopr the old pervert??
or just to help ppl slepp better?
pump it up baby!! i want size DD.. how many chewing gum lah dat i need to eat?
ice cucumber flavoured pepsi..
water salad?? convenient??
beer for kids...
gum for men, and ninjas
Posted by
1:25 AM
Hehe, i don't think i told you guys yet that i bought 2 mice as pets!! hahaha
i named them Mozart and Beethoven.
this is a video of mozart
they are both males, and some times i think that they are gay as they always sleep next to each other; side by side, and they tend to hang out alot in their private tower together, ALONE!
well only some times i think they are gay, not all the time.. My cutie mices... hahaha
oh yeah and beethoven always bullies lil mozart.... T.T
i presnet -----> lil mozart~~!!
Posted by
7:22 AM
i thought i wanted to take my time through out my whole uni period,
but i've been doing some thinking about everything,
by sacrificing this summer holiday i could save a year of my life and also save a year of money. summer course is the ticket to enter straigh into second year of pharmacy.
it would be tougher, but it's hard to believe that i can't pull my weight through it.
i should believe in myself more even though it is a fact that i'm not as smart as others and am much more lazier than average people, but i don't think that i'm that terrible, and certainly don't think that i'm a failure.
but some times people encourage by saying, 'if you believe in yourself, anything is possible', or 'if there is a waill, there is a way', i try to believe in these sayings but not all the time things goes the way you want it to go. it's already written by the lord's hand. if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. fighting it would only makes things harder.
anyways, back to the main point,
i wanted to post this entry to tell you guys that there is a huge percentage that i won't be going back till next year's mid year holiday in june/july. summer course starts on the 29th of nov and ends on the 9th of feb.
won't be able to see you guys till next year T.T
Posted by
1:40 AM
When you are being indecisive and ask someone to decide, never ever pull your long face!
One thing for sure is, i don't think i f*cking hell want to see your horse face.
What the hell is wrong with you?
If u do not like a person's choice in things, why do you even ask?
Why not do what you want to do? was i or did i not asked what you wanted?
i'm so sorry that i am not capable of reading your mind, why not you go and find a genie and grant me the ability to read minds; specially your mind?!
I did not ordered you to do anything, all i did was told you what was better and why was it better.
Oh yeah by the way, enjoy your lunch with your friends since you canceled our plans together when you realised you forgotten about our plans for that day, which we planned last week. It really shows how 'low' on your friendship ladder i am.
*extremely pissed due to hormonal effects (PMS)
*would still be this pissed even w/o the hormonal effect
*and i've cooled down a lil; am fine =D
Posted by
9:03 AM
sometimes i really wished you would grow up, your act of immaturity really annoys me at certain times.
i don't mind when a person brings out their inner child once in a while, but there is times where you should know how to control it. everything has a limit to it
trying to act cute all the time could really trigger one's anger switch
there are times to kid around and also times to be serious.
just because you weren't satisfied or when you are disappointed or things doesn't go your way, it doesn't mean that it gives you the free pass to pull your long face all day long in front of us till you are given a lollipop.
it also doesn't give you the right to be pissed at us. what have we done to deserve such treatment? we can't control everything that happens, it's beyond our powers. and also bear in mind, we aren't God, therefore we can't shower you with everything you want.
and so i shall "regret i can't fulfill your every needs."
we aren't shift makers that could switch from one another to fit YOU!
Posted by
6:49 AM
You believing in what you believe and me believing in what i believe, but this doesn't means that i do not understand everything you are going through or what you believe in. Do not say i do not respect your believes, till you understand how hard i try to fit into 'your' community. 'You' can't expect me to change 'me' to fit 100% into 'you', i'm sorry, but what i know that i can do is to try my best to learn and understand your religion.
If i fail to adapt, once again, do not blame me, as it's hard for me to get accepted into your community's inner circle. You guys tend to cast 'us' away as we are 'different'. How am i suppose to get to know 'you' better? Whatever 'you' guys do together, 'we' are seldom included, 'we' are only included when 'you' guys do not have a choice but to let us 'in'. We are more of an 'outcast' rather than as a 'friend'.
Never again dare to say we disrespect 'your' religion, we took a step forward to study and understand 'yours', but it's never enough for 'you'. Have 'you' ever tried to understand 'ours'?
Posted by
11:25 PM
tagged by kimmy
eight random facts about mua
one - my little finger is like a size 11, almost the size of an average index finger..
my lil pinky finger(well more like sumo pinky finger)
my fat fat fingers.. jen li's pinky finger is like a size 4!! and Jill's is a size 3!!!!! and mine is like a size 11!!!~~ wakaka
second random fact bout mua
i could do a torsion while sleeping... turn 180 degrees in bed and wake up to find myself in a odd position and not the same spot as how i went to bed. freaks me out sometimes, i wonder how could i move so much while sleeping.. pretty odd and it would seriously be funny if i video taped myself doing all this torsions and maybe kung fu while sleeping.
3rd fact
daphne lo can sleep anywhere and anytime.. haha
i remembered once in high school, cikgu nurul strictly ordered that my head shall not touch the table (i sleep in class everyday without miss), so i obeyed... i still managed to fall asleep without my head touching the table.. haha teacher nurul shouted DAPHNE LO!!!! wakakaka~ funny times in high school
fourth +.O
i've got a scar from being stabbed by a knife on my thigh. i can't quite remember how i stabbed myself... it was pretty long ago.. more like ages ago.. well it's there, giving a touch of sexiness to my already sexy thighs.. wakakaka
nombor lima
oh yeah, i've got this pretty odd problem with me... you know how you talk to yourself every time you are typing or writing something? you would type or write what you say in heart right?? but for me.... i tend to miss a few words here and there all the time without me realising my mistake till i re-read my sentence.. once or twice would be normal but all the time = neuro problem
i own more than 100 undies and more than 30 bras
haha i do not need to wash my undies or bras for like a whole week, i've got a supply of fresh lingerie for a whole month!!!! wakakaka
ooo when i get too attached to a book, i could read it for 3 days straight without sleep... i've done that before and i do not wish to do it again. i was pretty much dead by the third day... haha
my friends had to confiscate my books and lock it up in their locker......
final random fact
i currently own 19 pairs of shoes and 6 pairs of slippers here in aus... oh yeah and i also own more than 50 pairs of socks here... wakakaka
hmm not much interesting random facts bout me :P
i tag nariza, vanessa, khai, irene and ....
Posted by
6:53 AM
BIOL1015 is the course code for human biology. The best course i've taken since i started uni (which wasn't long ago)... haha
Today we learnt bout 'making humans'. Gained some knowledge bout test tube babies.
Lecturer taught us what's the problem with women when they can't conceive, well he was being nice so he tole us some extra information so that we could also defend ourselves when men blame women when they can't succeed in making babies. 40% percent of the time is because men kurang subur.. so it's not necessarily just women's fault!
haha and also he showed us a movie of how they extracted sperm from males.. the insert a needle straight trough the side of the penis and sort of manipulated it in a way, and PRESTO! sperm is collected thorough a tube! haha PAIN yes i feel u guys.. haha
highlight of the lecture was a girl suddenly fainted while seating down.. strong lecture we have, he carried her from the 2nd row and took care of her till the paramedics came, and i was suprised that we had on call paramedics on campus!
now i know whenever i faint, someone would save me no matter where or when in campus.. so meaning i can push myself during SWOT vac till my limits and maybe till i faint or blackout(except death) and not worry bout it.. haha
Posted by
5:36 AM
brisbane boy's college..
one of the best high school here... only boys... nice school, complete with everything.. the size.. double TTSS
St. Ignatious church.. i think that's how it's being spelled..
haha all the electric box here in brisbane are being painted... all look cute and cool and very arty! haha
all theses pics were taken during my joy walking ard alone
u know, to get fresh air and relax and also to loosen up the joints
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6:32 AM