Thursday, December 6, 2007


Filled with frustration at first, but a light suddenly appeared in front of me. Slowly it guided me step by step forward. It's not even an option to look back, i charged with full speed like a huge sailing vessel.
It took me a few days to get my thinking gears moving, it refused at first, but i finally got it moving by kicking hard on it.
Was thinking and connecting the dots the whole day, till i got home and sat in front of the computer.
Started by doing some research online, taking down important and useful points and notes that i could use to score big in this assignment. As i proceed further and faster, adrenaline pumps through my blood vessels, i could feel the effect on my heart as it's beats races.
I lose my eyes, silently i listen hard and deep to my heart beat, feeling it's pulse and blood flow throughout my entire body. Excitement floods my inside, a smile involuntaryly appears on my face.
Instantly i could tell, this challenge sprinkles me with everything good =)

Structure 1 - Ribs (my choice)
Structure 2 - Right atrium of the heart

Assignment 1 - To find the relationship between both structures.
Assignment 2 - To find a different relationship between both structures.

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