Wednesday, December 19, 2007

All i Wish for Christmas

Christmas is the one holiday i really wished i could get what i want, but knowing that uni puts a huge burden on my parents, i dare not utter a word about this awesome guitar.
I fell in love with it upon first sight, i was practically drooling over it, but hell it cost too much. It's said to be $2199, it's more than i could fetch out. That one guitar could feed me for at least 4 months in Australia +.+
=) well dreaming about it ain't a crime right??
Maybe i should try my luck on lottery tickets? If i do strike, the first thing i do is get me an awesomely sexy guitar!! well if i strike big then i'll think about getting it.
For now it's just a dream, and i'm loving it.

Gibson Robot Guitar ^^

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