Monday, March 19, 2007

Ur presence

Why all of a sudden i start remembering dreams?
Dreams that seem so real that showers me with emotions.
It hits me like a meteor shower, constantly and painfully.

The dream i had this morning was of someone who means alot to me.
A person with a special smile, that colours my world.
I really miss you, wishing that you could be by my side, day and night till the day i die.
Dreaming about you brightens my day, it puts me in a state of dilemma...

It's was the dose of happiness that i long seek for, you turned my world around.
In with the bright and sunny Daphne out with the dark and twisty.

Hopefully it would last for a long period of time.
Before it expires it would mean the world to me to be bless with another dream.

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