Happy holidays!!!
Merry Christmas to you all!!! =)
current location ----> sydney +.+
current local time ---> 0037
I learnt something new about myself yesterday when i went to the Sydney's famous Paddy's Market, it's those 'multi-market' where you could find veggies, meats, fruits, clothes and even imitation handbags!!!
Anyways, i didn't fancy too much about the market, it was packed with people and i realise the people here unlike Brisbane are soooooooooo rude!
It's so annoying when other people are always pushing you out of their way -.- without saying 'Excuse me' or 'Sorry'.. It really ticks me off. Why are they such in a hurry to get around?
I also hate it when people pull their trolleys happily and not watching where they pull or push to... and when it's filled with heavy groceries and runs over your toe, it bloody hell HURTS!! Some people realise they ran over people's toe/feet of they accidentally pushed and hit a person, but all they could do is just look and you then look away and happily walk away with their trolleys... =.=' SWEET move....
Despite the 'always in a hurry' people, i'm quite loving the site around Sydney. Took tonnes of cool pictures, but can't post it now, using my aunt's laptop and kinda hard to work around.
Pictures would be posted once i get back to Brissy!! =D
Love hugs and kisses!
Take care, miss you all!
Posted by
5:32 AM
Christmas is the one holiday i really wished i could get what i want, but knowing that uni puts a huge burden on my parents, i dare not utter a word about this awesome guitar.
I fell in love with it upon first sight, i was practically drooling over it, but hell it cost too much. It's said to be $2199, it's more than i could fetch out. That one guitar could feed me for at least 4 months in Australia +.+
=) well dreaming about it ain't a crime right??
Maybe i should try my luck on lottery tickets? If i do strike, the first thing i do is get me an awesomely sexy guitar!! well if i strike big then i'll think about getting it.
For now it's just a dream, and i'm loving it.
Gibson Robot Guitar ^^
Posted by
2:47 AM
I don't understand why do you expect more than i could deliver?
Constantly trying to live up to your expectations, pushing myself beyond my limits.
The stress i bear upon my shoulders are piling even higher by the day. Crashing isn't an option, even if i have crashed you won't know, even if i did crashed and splat hard face first in front of you, you could never sense it. Failing is never an option for you, you think that failures are for the weak. Maybe i am one of the weak ones? But you just do not want to accept it, therefore you push me physically and emotionally not knowing the consequences you pressure upon me. You would never know even if you were granted 1000 years to figure out what's wrong with me and what or even who is causing it. You are ice cold to your bones.
I know my limits, and i know to what extend i could stretch it to. I stretch it in my comfort zone, but for you i'm willing to stretch it beyond what i could handle just to satisfy you. Everything revolves around you only.
You would never understand the meaning behind "Giving your best is what all matters"...
Posted by
4:40 AM
Filled with frustration at first, but a light suddenly appeared in front of me. Slowly it guided me step by step forward. It's not even an option to look back, i charged with full speed like a huge sailing vessel.
It took me a few days to get my thinking gears moving, it refused at first, but i finally got it moving by kicking hard on it.
Was thinking and connecting the dots the whole day, till i got home and sat in front of the computer.
Started by doing some research online, taking down important and useful points and notes that i could use to score big in this assignment. As i proceed further and faster, adrenaline pumps through my blood vessels, i could feel the effect on my heart as it's beats races.
I lose my eyes, silently i listen hard and deep to my heart beat, feeling it's pulse and blood flow throughout my entire body. Excitement floods my inside, a smile involuntaryly appears on my face.
Instantly i could tell, this challenge sprinkles me with everything good =)
Structure 1 - Ribs (my choice)
Structure 2 - Right atrium of the heart
Assignment 1 - To find the relationship between both structures.
Assignment 2 - To find a different relationship between both structures.
Posted by
3:22 AM