Monday, August 27, 2007

"Arctic Ivory"

Amazing animals, unicorns of the sea.. haha sendiri phrase one..
Fell in love with them the very moment i saw a picture of a narwhal in a magazine.. national geo (cool mag)

"Prized by medieval royalty inspiration for unicorn myths, narwhal tucks have driven men to extremes for centuries. Today the quest for tusks and skin threatens some population," quoted from the National Geographic magazine.

There's this pic of a narwhal, appearing to grin even in death... really kills me inside...

Picture taken from national geographic mag.

People kill narwhals just to get their tusk, and now narwhals are facing extinction.
Thanks to humans cruelty, narwhals would be a once upon a time thing....

I greatly wish that narwhals would be able to survive, give our great grand kids a chance to appreciate the beauty of mother nature.

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